Saturday 19 April 2014

Stress Management + Staying Healthy

Stress can definitely be burdening. How to manage it can be challenging. I think these are some tips that can help you relieve stress.

1. Run and Shout
Run to a secluded area and shout as loud as you can! The running can lead to the release of endorphines in your brain. You just need to drag your feet out the door and start moving.

2. Dance 
around with your Favourite Music
You can go all out with your hairographies. You will feel so much better once that tension is released.

If these extreme release are too hard core for you, these might be helpful.

3. Go Zen
Listen to yoga podcast and yoga-out! Go downward dog wherever you want, in your room, on top of a mountain, anywhere that you see possible. Then take a photo and hashtag it.

4. Plan Ahead
Planning is the key. When you know you are going to encounter something stressful like, exams, proposal deadlines, competitions, be prepared and organize yourself. Let's say you have an exam coming up, 2-3 weeks in advance, you can cook up a storm and store portioned out meals in the freezer. Be prepared and you can win the battle against stress.

5. Snack SMART
Below are some ideas of healthy snacks:
- Oven baked chickpeas
- Oven baked crispy kale chips
- Small handful of nuts e.g. almonds/walnuts/cashews...
- Celery and Carrot sticks with 2tbs hummus
- A fruit like an apple or 1/2 banana
- Tofu smoothie simply blend silken tofu and some frozen fruits of your desire

Just keep in mind, small portions of snacks can help with curbing your appetite.

6. Power Breakfast
Kick start your day with a breakfast that can energize you for the entire morning. Have a breakfast that contains fiber and protein that can keep you full for longer. For example, oatmeal or toast with 1tbs peanut butter and 1/2 banana or dress it with some nuts and raisins!

Monday 7 April 2014

Jobs and Weight Gain? Tips on How to Battle it Out!

I came across this article on yahoo news where they labeled jobs that can potentially lead to weight gain. I found it very interesting and one that I would like to share. Ironically, healthcare workers have an overall obesity rate of 32.2% which is astounding to me. It is understandable that doctors, nurses, dietitians and other healthcare professionals work under a fastpaced stressful environment which can in turn lead to over consumption of energy dense food, especially fast food. Healthcare workers should realize that they are not only responsible for their patients health but also their own health.

Here are some simple ways for someone with a busy schedule to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Calories in > Calories out = weight gain, so simply balance it out with exercise and a balanced diet with wise choices. 

1. Cook Up a Storm on the Weekends

Cook in bulk saves time and money. You can portion them out into boxes and put them in the freezer. This way you can just grab a box in the morning have a lunch ready for you in no time. Here are some lunch ideas:
- Vegetable Chili
- Chicken Cacciatore
- Soups
- Stews
- Stir-frys

In fact, many items could be frozen and it's nutrient quality would not deminish 
Below is a link for storage times for refrigerator and freezer.

2. Walk a Tad Bit More

Walking counts as part of your daily physical activity. If you usually take the bus, stop a station early and walk home. Take the bike in the summer around the city. Take a few flights of stair. If you live on the 5th floor, walk from the 1st floor. If you live on the 35th floor, take the stairs from the 30th floor. Little walks add up and count towards the amount of calories you burn everyday. 

3. Take Charge of YOUR Life and Make the Right Choices

You've probably heard this multiple times, instead of fries, have a salad. Instead of soda, have some juice. I understand it could be hard to make the right choices sometimes but never become the victim of your own stress! There are many ways relieve stress and eating your feelings or emotions would not help. Try exercising, or talking to a friend or joining an art club. Having a regular schedule with meal times set aside can help with portion control. You will feel more satisfied when you concentrate on your food rather than having meals in front of the television.

Hopefully these three simple tips can get you far in your journey towards a healthy lifestyle.

Remember, being healthy is a lifestyle!

Catch you next time :)